Friday, March 23, 2012

Busy Days

Yesterday was a very productive day on the home front (and my only day off). I picked up 22 bags of mulch. My husband assembled a table in the garage and we reorganized our supplies. The children played with the neighbors, dug in the dirt and did some jobs around the house.

Today we went to BJ's to pick up water and sundries. Stopped in at Adoration and made a donation to the Salvation Army. Didn't do any gardening today, like I had hoped. We did spelling in the car and had the oldest read the first chapter of The Boxcar Children, aloud. I also taught him how to look up new words in the dictionary. He'll have to practice that more as his reading progresses.

Will be working tonight, from 7 to midnight.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week at a Glance

Today, we were able to go to Adoration, procure 1 bag of dirt, 2 tomato cages, a couple of stakes, a spray nozzle and a watering can. The buckets from the bakery continue to be saved for me. Perhaps tonight there will be more waiting.

Here are the goals I have for this week:

Order seeds (Tuesday)
Assemble table and arrange stockpile on it. (Wednesday)
Measure the yard and figure out how much mulch is needed (Thursday)
Freeze the flour I bought the other day. Hopefully there will be space in the freezer. (Friday)

Here are my daily goals:

rosary with the kids
lifting weights to increase my arm strength
daily vitamins
6 bottles of water per day
watch calorie intake (smaller portions and less processed foods)
reading stories to the kids

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cute Sayings VIII

"Mom, if you eat a seed, will a flower grow in your tummy?" - Grace, Age 6

Cute Sayings VII

"Mom, that lady looks just like Mary Poppins!" - Gracie watching The Sound of Music.

After I told her it was the same woman, she wanted to know what her real hair color was.


Cute Sayings VI

"Mom, see how our knees are bent this way? Turkeys' knees are bent in the back!" - Grace, Age 6